18 Eylül 2012 Salı

New TLC Shows

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There are a couple of new shows that TLC has chosen to produce that haven't been marketed yet. Until they get an official airdate, there's no guarantee that they'll be coming to our TVs, but here are a few shows that you might be able to watch soon:

Title: 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo'
Synopsis: Remember that kid from 'Toddlers & Tiaras' who became a bit of an internet sensation because of her little catchphrase? Well, apparently brief internet notoriety is all you need to get a TV show. 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' will revolve around 6 year-old Alana and her family who live in rural Georgia.
Potential Premiere Date: August 2012
Number of Episodes: 6

Title: 'Brides of Beverly Hills'
Synopsis: Basically exactly what it sounds like. More wedding programming, more crazy brides.
Potential Premiere Date: October 28th, 2012
Number of Episodes: 13

Title: 'Livin' for the Apocalypse'
Synopsis: Follows families who believe the end of the world is near, and who spend a lot of time preparing shelters, stockpiling food, and getting ready to be the sole survivors on the planet.
Potential Premiere Date: August 28th at 10 pm
Number of Episodes: 1 (for now)

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