Here's what I think might happen:
Let me preface this by saying that I have not yet seen this season's premiere of 'Castle'. And I have not yet watched any of the sneak peeks. So, there are no spoilers here. Unless you consider the few things I have gleaned from watching the only promo that ABC has released to be spoilers.First of all, it's clear that there are at least two bedroom scenes, because the bit in the promo where Castle and Beckett wake up in bed together, and he asks if it was good for her, is clearly spliced. Will we get two bedroom scenes in the first episode? Who knows! I certainly hope we do.
It's also fairly obvious that Castle and Beckett will try to keep their relationship hidden as much as possible. Not only will they have the same fear as Chandler and Monica on 'Friends'..."we're both really bad at
relationships"...but I think they both recognize that once their colleagues become involved it will be a much much more serious relationship then it already is. And, let's be honest, they've said "I love you" so it's already pretty serious.
That being said, someone is bound to find out. Whether or not that person will figure it out in the first episode or (gasp) walk in on them the morning after remains to be seen. If the morning after scenario plays out it's will obviously be either Alexis or Martha. While I think that Alexis' discovering them would have have a larger impact, and it's feasible she could be the one to discover them (she's due home by noon, remember), my bet's with Martha. She'll be more of a partner in crime, and less likely to blab. Plus she'll be thrilled. This combination will make for great comedy and an adorable embarrassed moment between Beckett and Castle.
Despite the fact that Beckett told Castle she only cared about him, it's pretty clear that after the post-coital glow wears off she'll care about her mother's murder again. And considering the fact that the guy almost killed Kate less than 24 hours beforehand, my guess is that Castle will care again too. Will he remove that snazzy murder-board from the electric trash? It certainly would allow for another sweet moment between Castle and Beckett. Plus, it would be helpful since Beckett is off the police force (how long do we think that will last?).
My assumption is that Beckett will be back on the police force by 1) the end of tonight's episode or 2) sometime during next week's episode. Because I can't imagine them stretching it too long. Too much of the 'Castle' formula relies on cases besides Beckett's mother's murder. Though I expect that to take front seat for at least the first several episodes.
I also sincerely hope that the scene in the promo where Castle snaps awake alone is only because Beckett is off getting coffee. And not because she freaks out and leaves. Marlowe promised they'd be a couple, but he didn't promise they'd be a secure one. Now I'm just making myself nervous.
Since 'Castle' doesn't like too much antagonism, my hope is that Ryan and Esposito's relationship will remain rocky, while Beckett and Castle's will be on solid ground.
What do you think will happen tonight?

'Castle' premieres tonight at 10/9C on ABC
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