I am completely in shock. Not only did they kill off a main character, but they did it in the first fifteen minutes! Lexie died while holding Mark's hand, and while he promised her that he really did love her (not just because she was dying). Shortly after that, Mark went into severe shock, presumably due to the massive blunt force trauma that he suffered on his chest. Everyone had been completely unaware of it, because he was walking around as though he wasn't injured at all. Meanwhile, Derek's hand was severely injured, and Meredith pulled it closed by weaving a safety pin in and and out of his skin. Thank goodness we didn't actually have to watch that happening.
The episode ended with a massive cliffhanger. Meredith, Derek, Arizona, Cristina, Mark and the pilot are all still trapped at the crash site. Cristina is sure that Owen will have noticed that they are missing, but her belief is actually misplaced. It turns out that he has been so busy all day that he doesn't notice the plethora of messages that the other hospital has left him until the very end of his shift. At that point it is getting dark on the mountain, and not only are the doctors injured--they all run the risk of freezing to death.
While all of this is happening, the episode continuously intercuts scenes back at Seattle-Grace Hospital. Bailey and Ben (that cute nurse she is dating) are engaged, and continue to bicker about whether he will accept the surgical internship he was offered in LA.
Teddy has been offered a new job, but ensures Owen that she won't take it. She doesn't want to abandon him now that they're finally on good terms again--especially since Cristina is leaving. She also can't imagine leaving the hospital filled with all her best and worst memories about her husband. Eventually Owen fires her, forcing her to move on, and finally doing a good thing. This actually makes me feel okay about him for the first time since the abortion drama. Of course, this may mean that Teddy won't be around next season.
Callie is finally happy with her life, and is eagerly waiting for Arizona to come back. Alex admits in a voicemail he leaves for Arizona that the only reason he is accepting the Hopkins job is to prove that he can stand on his own two feet, without her holding his hand. And Avery and April are still arguing about whether he will accept the position he was offered. He finally decides to accept it, though he tells her he's not happy about it. She breaks down and tells him that she is unhappy--she isn't board certified, she is no longer a virgin, and she doesn't feel like a good Christian anymore. And she's losing her best friend because he's moving. Avery doesn't say anything to her in response, but just tells her she looks pretty, and offers his arm to her. They walk into a celebration dinner organized by the old chief, and Alex sits down too. They wait for Cristina and Meredith to show up, but obviously they won't.
That's the end of the episode.
What will happen next season? Will everyone else survive the plane crash? It looked as though Arizona had severe internal bleeding (she was coughing up blood), and Mark had a pulmonary embolism that they had to drain with rudimentary supplies, so neither of those things are good. Plus, will Derek's hand recover? This whole thing is a little too reminiscent of the series finale of 'Crossing Jordan'--but at least we know that this show will be back. 'Grey's Anatomy' was recently renewed for a ninth season.

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