In case you've missed other episodes, here's a quick recap of important issues that have been raised this season and were addressed in tonight's finale:
1) Lavon and Lemon had an affair while George was away in NYC. (this has been an issue all season, so if you didn't know this, go back and rewatch all the episodes!)
2) George discovered the affair several episodes ago, and Lemon desperately tried to persuade him that she had chosen him over Lavon. Eventually he believed her, and they decided to continue with the wedding. (Bachelorettes & Bullets, S1Ep18)
3) However, this decision to continue with the wedding didn't happen immediately. For one episode George adamantly said he wouldn't get married, and ran off to New Orleans with Zoe. (Destiny and Denial, S1Ep19)
4) George and Zoe kissed in New Orleans. Instead of keeping this secret George told Lemon, and Zoe told Lavon. (Destiny and Denial, S1Ep19)
5) Wade has had a massive crush on Zoe all season, and decided he needed to make more of himself. He wanted to open a bar, and was planning on winning the money. He and Zoe paired up, and they almost won--but Zoe was distracted by George at the last minute and they lost. Wade blames Zoe for the loss of his dream, and because she proved that she's not interested in him romantically. (The Race and The Relationship, S1Ep20)
6) Zoe's good friend/mentoree, Rose, collapses from a burst appendix that Zoe should have noticed. Rose's mom blames her, and Zoe realizes that she is becoming emotionally attached to all of her patients. Something, as her father points out, a successful surgeon can't do. Her dad offers her a fellowship in Boston, and she accepts--deciding to sneak off in the middle of the night. George, Lavon and Wade all believe she's gone. But the next morning Lavon and Wade discover that she has come back. (Disaster Drills and Departures, S1Ep21)
7) Zoe claims that she's in love with George, and she is devastated that the wedding is still happening. (Destiny and Denial, S1Ep19 etc.)
So, now that you're all caught up, let's talk about tonight's episode!

It's officially the day of George and Lemon's wedding, and the town is abuzz. As one woman points out, it's the Southern version of a royal wedding. And that's certainly true. Everywhere you look are elaborate flowers, and huge photographs of Lemon and George. Poor Zoe just can't avoid it. Remember, she's still hung up on slightly boring George (I may or may not be a Wade supporter).
George wakes up from a bizarre dream involving himself, Lemon, Lavon, and Zoe all getting married simultaneously. Lemon calls him, and asks him to do some last minute things. He picks up the first piece of paper he can find and scribbles on it. When he turns it over, he sees that it's the napkin from the bar where he kissed Zoe. Awkward.
Zoe tells Lavon that she wishes she could stop the wedding, and he tells her how crazy she sounds. He insists that she goes shopping in Mobile for the day, and lends her his car. Unfortunately, Wade was already trying to borrow it (his car's acting up), but Zoe insists she has a patient and that she urgently needs it.
George is startled when he finds out that Zoe is still in town, and that she is staying...forever. He was the only one who still thought she was moving to Boston.
Poor Lavon, clearly hung-up on Lemon, is really trying to make the best of the situation and help any way he can. Unfortunately, it's hard for George to see that--especially since Lavon keeps insisting that a huge storm is about to come and ruin the wedding. Since there's nary a cloud in the sky, George believes that Lavon is just trying to have the wedding postponed. It doesn't help when Lavon revokes the permit for an outdoor ceremony.
But wait, there's the
Meanwhile, Lavon calls up Zoe and asks her for a favor. Wade's car broke down, and he needs a lift. Zoe is not thrilled, particuarly because Wade is refusing to speak to her (and had thrown out a cup of coffee she attempted to make him as a peace offering that very morning). Regardless, she drives to pick him up.
Wade wants nothing to do with Zoe, but eventually agrees to get in the car. She starts driving away from town, and Wade realizes she is avoiding the wedding. That only hurts his feelings more. He tries to get her to turn around--but not because of the wedding. The storm is picking up and he tries to explain to her it's not safe to drive. When they almost get crushed by a tree she believes him, and they both run into a barn for cover. There are goats in the barn, and a baby one escapes, but the rain is too torrential for them to go after it.
As I wrote the above paragraph I started to feel like I was in the middle of an episode of 'Days of Our Lives', but we'll just ignore that, shall we?
George is still running around like a crazy person trying to fix the wedding. Things keep going wrong in the old firehouse, and Lavon points out to him that Lemon wouldn't want a wedding like that. Personally, as the roof was leaking, and things kept breaking, I couldn't help but wonder why they didn't get married in Lavon's mansion. But I guess that would have been too awkward for all of them. However, a bar, or the library, or any building that didn't have the word "old" in front of it would probably have proved sturdier. Regardless, George insists that everything is okay, and that the wedding will happen that day. I'm thinking he's a little too insistent.
Zoe confronts Wade about his feelings for her, and he storms off. She's afraid he's taken the car and left her in the storm, but soon he returns. He admits that he does like her, but claims it's only because she's the woman that got away. The woman he almost slept with, but never did. He tells her he thinks everything would be better if they just got rid of the sexual tension and slept together. Because that always works. Anyway, Zoe seems to kind of buy into it, and almost kisses him when the baying of a goat interrupts them.
Wade and Zoe run outside to rescue the baby goat, who got caught in some barbed wire. Zoe tries to get through it, but it's too tricky. Wade takes off his shirt, and Zoe tells him it's not time to show off his abs. He looks at her like she's crazy, and wraps his shirt around the barbed wire so that she can slip underneath. The wire has already sliced Zoe's shoulder open, but they manage to save the goat.
Back in the barn, Wade bandages Zoe. He also tells her that he may be a good way for her to forget about "golden boy" (aka George). I know this scene was supposed to be kind of sexy, and I suppose it was, but I kept waiting for Zoe to keel over/realize she hadn't had her tetanus shot. I think I may be watching too much 'Grey's Anatomy'. Anyway, to recap: Zoe is fine, there's a sexy moment between Zoe and Wade, and they almost kiss again.
I say almost, because they're interrupted. This time it's not a goat, but a police officer. He offers them a ride back to town, pointing out that they don't want to miss the wedding (I think at this point both of them do). When the police officer suggests they go home and take a warm shower, Wade looks pointedly at Zoe, and says that's exactly what he was thinking. She grins back at him. Finally there's some reciprocation on her part! Okay, I know that this isn't the best start to a relationship, but this show seems to throw people together all the time over less (Tom and that singing girl), so we'll roll with it.
Wade tries to get the officer to drop Zoe off at his house, without being too clear about why he wants her there, but no such luck. The officer insists that a Southern gentleman drives a lady to her door. Wade is defeated and goes into his house to put on a suit. Zoe, meanwhile, contemplates Wade's offer. She clearly decides she wants to take him up on it, because she turns on all her electricity, purposefully causing the fuse box they share to blow. As soon as his house goes dark Wade smiles. He goes over to Zoe's house, and they have sex.
Meanwhile, Lemon is getting ready to head to the
The sex must have been pretty good, because Zoe and Wade talk about doing it again, but then there's a knock on the door. Zoe gets up to answer it, thinking it's Lavon who has come to check on her. But when she opens the door it's George, sopping wet. He tells her he called off the wedding, and then kisses her. Which really grossed me out, because Wade kissed her like .00006 seconds before, and think of all that saliva commingling. Have I sufficiently grossed you out? Now you know how I felt!
I'm sure I was supposed to be shocked over the turn of events, but really I was just grossed out. Once I got over that, I was also concerned that Wade knew that George had stopped by, and had seen the kiss. I truly don't think poor Wade would have gotten over that. Luckily, George tells Zoe its been a long day, and that they can talk tomorrow, and leaves. Zoe returns to her room, and Wade has moved from the floor into her bed. When she sees him there she smiles slightly, then looks confused, then smiles again.
And that's the end of the season. What do y'all think? Are Zoe and Wade going to get together now that they've slept together? They certainly have the chemistry. Or is Zoe going to fulfill her crush with George? Or will her interest wane now that she can so "easily" have him? Also, how will Lemon torture Zoe next season?

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