In the never-ending story of misery that is 'Downton Abbey', more horriblethings continue to happen to the Crawleyfamily.

Season 3, Episode 3*:
Branson shows up at Downton. He’s sopping wet and he’s interruptingdinner, so clearly it’s a massive inconvenience.
Apparently back in Irelandthe estate of a wealthy family was burned to the ground (wait a minute…how didhe get to sort-of-rural Englandso quickly? This is 1920, is that even possible?) (I Googled. Apparently it’ssort of possible).
It’s hard to tell what makes the Crawley family angrier: thefact that Branson may have committed arson or the fact that he left Sybil in Ireland.
Nope. Never mind. It’s now clear.
They’re more upset about the Sybil thing.
Her pregnancy seems to be an afterthought, Lord Branson ismore concerned that she’s in a “foreign” country (not like they speak Englishor anything) and that she’s a woman.
(You’ll be pleased to know that Sybil is safe. For now. Godknows with this show).
Robert uses his political know-how (aka his money) andmanages to keep Branson out of prison…provided he never goes to Ireland again. Branson(in case you haven’t picked this up from the last two years of “Irish Pride!”) isnot happy.
Meanwhile Anna isn’t getting any letters from Bates, Bates isn’tgetting any letters from Anna, and they aren’t allowed to visit with each other.Neither of them is happy. In fact, the only person who’s happy in this scenariois the psycho bunk-mate who somehow orchestrated this whole thing.
Ethel lets baby Charlie go and live with his grandparents. Unfortunatelysaid grandparents include that total asshole grandfather. I’d say Charlie wasbetter off with Ethel, except she’s working as a prostitute now, and I’m a tadconcerned about where she stashes Charlie while she’s working. So, Ethel saysgoodbye for the sake of her child and is subsequently miserable.
Daisy is unhappy because there’s a new (more attractive) kitchenmaid named Ivy. Alfred is unhappy because there’s a new (more attractive)footman named Jimmy.
Edith is unhappy because women don’t have the right to vote,so she writes a letter to a newspaper.
And that's today's update of 'Horrible Things on DowntonAbbey'.
![]() |
bye bye Charlie |
*In a rather odd move, PBS isairing the episodes differently than the UKdid…for this reason episode 3 in the States was aired as episode 4 in England.
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