For those of you not in the know, Caskett is the nickname that fans rooting for a relationship between Castle and Beckett have given to the investigating duo.
Last week's season premiere gave fans plenty to be happy about. Castle woke up in bed after finally having slept with Beckett. And they both agreed that they wanted to try and make it more than just a one time deal. Though it was never said a (gasp) relationship was implied.
In tonight's episode that theme was still flowing. Castle watched Beckett get dressed after having clearly spent the night at her apartment. In fact, considering how he brought her a cup of coffee from her own kitchen, it's pretty clear that he is feeling quite at home. And you only get that feeling when you've been somewhere. A lot. As for Kate's (not so) subtle sexual innuendo at the end of last week's episode? The coffee incident alone makes it pretty clear she has kept her promise. They've been having lots and lots of sex.
After not seeing a single kiss last week, we were finally allowed one kiss during this episode. And it happened right at the beginning before the teaser played. Unlike in 'Bones' (I've discussed the problems with their post-coital chemistry in other posts) Castle and Beckett still have plenty of chemistry. That kiss seemed natural and a little steamy. No awkwardness there. (Thank goodness).
Plus we get sultry little exchanges like these--
Castle: Well, I don't know, you and I were just friends for four years.
Beckett: Yeah, except you were trying to sleep with me that whole time.
Castle: Excuse me! It was you that was trying to sleep with me.
Beckett: Wha--huh?
Castle: Don't tell me you dressed like that for Esposito.
Esposito (walking up to them): What's for me?
Moving on, there was of course a murder case. Sadly, this meant that Castle did not get his wish--Beckett's pants remained on. Still, it did mean that Kate's suspension was over, and that she and Castle could return to the precinct. Only one problem: they aren't allowed to 'date' (or, if you read the emphasis that Stana Katic puts on this word in the same way I did, they aren't supposed to be having
This episode actually has a murder and a plot surrounding it. But unfortunately I was rather distracted (in a good way) by Beckett and Castle's budding relationship. So the murder sort of fell by the wayside. Suffice to say that there was a weather girl who had been murdered. The most important part of this (as will probably relate to future episodes) is two-fold:
1) The news anchor admitted to Castle and Beckett that he and the weather girl had been having a secret affair. They of course immediately related this to their new secret relationship. He also said that the affair ran it's course and with all the lying the relationship imploded. Beckett expresses fear to Castle that the same will happen to them. The fact that Kate even says something about her fears out-loud is major character progression. Finally the girl speaks! I was a little surprised by Castle's lackadaisical response--I thought the character would be a bit more intent on persuading Kate to stay in the relationship. But you know, I'm not a writer so what do I know! Except that at the end of the episode they are still in a relationship. Or at least 'dating'.
2) While on the news set Castle bumps into their entertainment reporter. A very sexually liberated entertainment reporter. And when she asks him out, for the sake of the secret relationship he and Kate are trying to have, he says "yes". Kate is clearly not pleased. Not pleased at all. The fact that Castle again misreads her makes me wonder what the hell he is doing! Help the poor woman have some confidence in this relationship please!
The problems with this entertainment reporter continue when instead of meeting him at the restaurant she shows up at his place. After he has 'abandoned' Beckett at the precinct (okay, he doesn't really abandon her, she tells him to go, but it's clear she is not. happy.). The reporter has brought oysters and chocolate covered strawberries and champagne and it's clear her one objective is to get into his pants. (Do people still say "get into his pants"? I feel like the sentiment really applies here).
In Castle's defense he really does try to avoid her to the extent that they actually break some dishes. Unfortunately these dishes break at the very moment that the reporter has pushed Castle up against the fridge and his phone has pocket-dialed Beckett. (Has that ever happened to you? The pocket-dialing, not the up against the fridge thing? It's the worst). Kate hears the smash and the line goes dead. She assumes something has happened to Castle and the expression on her face shows how much she really cares about him. She rushes out to 'rescue' him. The guys are left at the precinct with puzzled looks on their faces.
Castle is still trying to avoid the reporter's advances but she seems to be wearing him down. She tells him only one other man has avoided her. And he tells her, in perhaps the best line of the episode, that maybe she can tell him how he did it, so that he can try it too.
Kate is so far from happy when she bursts into Castle's loft and sees the reporter straddling him. He sits upright, wipes the lipstick off his face, and tells her he solved the murder.
As Beckett and Castle head back to the newsroom she expresses her disgust. She's clearly hurt that Castle could make out with another woman, and despite his attempt at explanation she does have a point.
They do solve the case however: the weather girl (aka meteorologist to be a bit more PC) was murdered by the guy who claimed to be her boyfriend. The reporter who is the only other man to avoid the entertainment reporter. Because he's actually secretly gay. He wasn't the weather girl's boyfriend at all! Instead they were doing investigative journalism together and discovered a conspiracy to cover up the releasing of toxic fumes that were dangerous to children with asthma. She wanted to go to the health board right away to get the kids help, but he wanted to wait so that they could break the story exclusivly.
Back at the precinct Beckett and Castle both prepare to head home. He asks her if he can "walk her out", which must be code for come over. But she says no. Clearly still furious about his little forced make-out session.
We cut to a later scene. Castle knocks on Beckett's door. She looks through the peephole and almost refuses to answer. She finally opens the door, but Castle only enters the apartment by pushing past her. He tells her that he was only trying to do what she wanted: keep the relationship secret. Stana Katic, again showing her skill at emotional acting, gets a little teary-eyed here. She admits, hesitantly, that she wants them to have a chance to be more. She doesn't want their relationship to implode. Castle points out the man who told them about imploding relationships is a cold-blooded killer, but admits that he gets what she's saying. He tells her that they have to keep trying, because they don't know where the relationship will end up. Maybe at some point people will find out, but maybe at that point they'll still be strong. They could work out, she doesn't know, she needs to have faith. And Beckett seems to accept this, even offering a little smile as thanks for his reassurance. She then (hesitant as always!) asks him if they have can have a secret relationship where they talk about dating other people, but don't actually date other people. AKA Kate asks Castle to be exclusive! And he says yes.
But as he leans in for a kiss she almost reciprocates before pushing him away. She tells him that it's "too soon". For a second Castle isn't sure how to react. But then she continues by saying, "I'm sorry--I can''s just too soon. I keep on seeing her boobs (waves) in your face". And Castle grins, knowing that if she's starting to joke about it everything will be okay.
So far you've only written about Castle and Beckett, what about our other duo?
Yep, it's true, Ryan and Esposito are in this episode too. And they are really not happy with each other. As in, ignore each other and not make eye contact unhappy. Beckett still forces them to work together though, which leads to them both getting punched in the face when they try to bring in a suspect. Later, when they see some footage of the fight Esposito realizes that Ryan only got punched because he was defending him. And just like that they're brothers again.
What about Lanie?
Ah yes, Lanie is astute. Almost. She picks up right away that something is different with Kate. My first thought was, "yeah, her hair, it's lighter!", but evidently that wasn't the difference she meant. In the autopsy room she finally puts her finger on it, Kate is having sex! Luckily (for Beckett and Castle) she's not so astute as to realize that they're having sex with each other.
Where are Alexis and Martha?
As Beckett "casually" lets slip in the first five minutes (okay, it's not so casual, the writers clearly need to get this info out of the way as quickly as possible)--Martha is taking Alexis on a graduation trip in Europe.
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I wish this was Beckett. |
& Check Out Next Week's Promo.
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